Music Madness Sweet 16
April 3, 2013
Music Maddness Final 4
April 8, 2013
Music Madness Sweet 16
April 3, 2013
Music Maddness Final 4
April 8, 2013
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Music Madness Elite 8


Innovative Region

Innovative Region: These Artists like to do new things, but never just for the sake of being the first one. Rather, they do things better and differently than others have done before.

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Smart Region

Smart Region: These artists realize that in every second they have the ability to reason and positively impact the situation. They are not reactionary, but rather are well thought out players.

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Humorous Region

Humorous Region: The Artists like humor and are witty themselves, but in ways that are not overly offensive to others. They are not clowns – their humor is intelligent and has style.

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Non-Conformist Region

Non-Conformist Region: These Artists dislike authorities and their rules and way of thinking. They believe in the freedom to determine their own way of living, thinking & performing.

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